Safe handgun storage protects your household from accidental firearm discharge by separate handling of guns and ammo or from unauthorized access. Safety can be enhanced through secure storage options, understanding related laws, and gun maintenance. Here are six steps to safely store a handgun:
Utilize Secure Storage
There are a variety of storage options to meet your security needs. Gun safes may withstand forced entry while keeping contents accessible. They also secure multiple firearms with durable steel exteriors and locking mechanisms such as combination keypads or biometric scanners that restrict access to weapons stored inside. Lockboxes and guncases work for compact, portable storage while concealment furniture made from hardwoods protects firearms while still allowing access in emergencies.
Practice Safe Unloading
Unload the pistol before storing it to avoid accidental discharge. You can pivot the cylinder out of frames or press the magazine release button to drop stored rounds into your hand. Remove unfired bullets from their chamber by racking the slide back. Inspect and confirm that no ammo remains inside the gun, and keep firearms unloaded until you intend to use them again.
Enhance Storage Security
To safeguard your guns, you may combine locked storage with extra security devices. Trigger locks immobilize the handgun’s firing capability until they’re deactivated with a key. Cable locks thread through the open chamber and magazine well to render guns and ammo unable to load or fire. Some locks disengage the handgun’s internal components. It’s advisable to add security layers to help prevent unauthorized individuals from handling a pistol. Multiple security measures should improve the safe storage of ammunition and firearms.
Maintain Recommended Conditions
Handguns need protection from environmental hazards during storage. Cool, dry areas help to deter rust and corrosion on metal firearm parts. You can seal guns into corrosion-inhibiting polymer bags to shield finishes from humidity damage. Add anti-rust vapor capsules or desiccants to locked storage to absorb atmospheric moisture. If you store firearms for a long time, cycle fresh desiccants into the area. Avoid subjecting guns to temperature extremes that could damage them, and use moisture-controlling products to protect your stored firearms.
Enforce Restricted Access
It is also recommended that you control who has keys or knowledge of your combination safe or lockbox. Determine which family members or friends you trust with access and limit access to only those individuals. Those who do know how to access your firearms should only do so in cases of emergencies. Block stored firearm access by hiding keys or memorizing combination codes. You could also disable biometric lock fingerprints of anyone you no longer want to have access to your guns. Hiding keys or changing access codes are some other options. Families with children should get child-proof locks and place keys far beyond reach.
Follow Legal Compliance
Firearm storage requirements vary by state or locality. Research your area’s safe storage laws to confirm you fulfill them to avoid legal consequences. Some jurisdictions mandate the storage of handguns with specific caliber locking mechanisms, while others require the reporting of any handgun theft promptly. Vehicle storage should meet conditions on lock type or ammo removal. You can check federal and state gun transport laws when driving across state lines.
Safely Store Your Guns and Ammo
Understanding the storage laws and safety features of your safe and firearms can help provide security for your guns and ammo. Correct storage methods allow individual households increased safety, whether their firearms are stored at home or offsite. Contact a reputable dealer today for quality guns and ammunition and to learn more about how to store them safely.